Lines management
The queue management products from the Turnix family have been on the market for 20 years and have already been chosen by hundreds of businesses.
White label

Are you interested in the product but would like your own brand?
From today we give you the opportunity to rebrand the entire range of queue management products!
In this way we will make all our know-how available to you for a range of products that you will feel more yours.
Join us and improve your business!
Our history
The lines management has always been the main sector of the PROGEL development area for over 30 years.
Over the years we have managed to solve the needs of any business where there is an influx of people. For example:
- Bank
- Hospital
- Analysis laboratories
- Service managers
- Supermarkets
- Farmacie
- Medical studies
Thanks to our experience in the field of wireless application design on proprietary hardware, we are one of the few Italian companies to be able to offer not only software but also hardware solutions with devices specifically designed for queue management.
An example are our remote controls with displays, they are already widely used in the sector also by other suppliers.
Control Unit
Thanks to the constant commitment of our teams, we have managed to bring our application to economical hardware such as the Raspberry Pi 4B, which today represents one of the best-selling micro-controllers not only for hobby use but also in the industrial sector.
To give our customers the opportunity to continue using remote controls, our hardware development team has created a transceiver board with integrated RTC that is inserted into the Raspberry case and is therefore completely hidden.

Main features
Counter operators
Unlimited number of counter operators.
Duplicate blocks and columns to add functionality.
Multi-service operators
Assign to each operator the services they can perform.
Backup / Restore
Save and restore the configuration with one click.
Priority services
Not all services are the same, call them with the right priority.
Single ticket
Different services, always the same ticket, such as in the typical acceptance-visit-cash route.
Voice announcements
Built-in multilingual voice message generator.
Real-time statistics
Consult the statistics and the status of the waiting rooms in real time directly from the WEB.
Ticket queuing
The operator can put the ticket back in the queue for another service.
Wide Coverage
Coverage of large surfaces thanks to the master/slave system on LAN/WLAN network.
Queue control
Advancement both via radio remote control and from WEB browser.
Remote management
Remote management and maintenance, but if there is no internet, no problem, you can directly use the LAN network and a WEB browser.
Graphic freedom
The graphics engine, which has been completely rewritten compared to previous products, guarantees full compatibility with an almost unlimited variety of resolutions: from the classic 4k, 2K and 1080 of HDMI monitors/TVs to the more custom ones of LED displays (for example 3840x512, 3840x256, 3840x128, 3000x214, 2980x340).
To satisfy the highest graphic needs, the queue manager is not created with a predefined layout but provides the user with a canvas of the size of the display in which it is possible to add various objects, in the desired position and size, chosen from this list:
- Panel associated with one or more branches/operators (with animation in the event of a call).
- List of the latest calls associated with one or more branches/operators (with animation in the event of a call).
- Pop-up panel when the number is called.
- Player with support for local or remotely manageable playlists of videos and images (support up to 4K videos).
- Player with Tune-in audio streaming.
- Analog or digital clock.
- Ticker with RSS news or with personalized message.
- Added to this is the possibility of loading text fonts for deeper integration with the represented brand.
Ticket dispenser

The Android, Linux and Windows applications for ticket distribution were created to provide full graphic flexibility and according to the same principles as the queue manager, therefore: no pre-set layout, possibility of customizing a canvas of the size of the display by inserting one or more of these objects:
- Button's grid
- Player with local or remote playlists of videos and images.
- Search button within a custom database.
- Custom font.
- Wallpaper \ Background image.
- Status bar with date and time.
- Configuration Backup/Restore.
There is also an animation during printing which can also be customised.